Open Roles Available

I would love to have you participate with High Desert Center for Peace.
The following is a list of volunteer assistance or roles I am looking to fill.
Inquire at hello [at]

Accountant and/or lawyer. Would you be willing to donate your time and expertise so that I can learn about my options and make determinations regarding the official organization of HDCP?

Community Advocates. Do you love Albuquerque and its people? I am looking for many who would like to serve their own places and neighbors. Beginning with four (4) servant leaders, one for each of the four city quadrants (NW, NE, SW, SE). Also others who want to serve in smaller areas (i.e. their own streets and neighborhoods).

Filmmakers. Let’s tell the story of peace and justice and love (and . . .). I would love to share/platform your work. I also need helpers with film skills to help other storytellers get their work in film form.

A home for HDCP. High Desert Center for Peace needs a home. Do you have an idea for donated space? Also willing to receive donated funds to be dedicated to this purpose.

Flash mob coordinator. You heard that right. Looking for someone who is good at both music and logistics.

Do you have personal (inner) peace? Do you have a story and/or a method you are willing to share publicly? Booking interviews/interviewees for Inner Peace Albuquerque Season 2. (Season 1 is currently in production and will launch early 2023.) Individuals, organizations, businesses, etc.

Inner Peace Albuquerque Coordinator. Assist with the interview series Inner Peace Albuquerque and eventually spearhead the program thereafter. Production (logistics), interviewing/hosting, and directing skills. Comfortable with communication (phone, email) and making requests of people.

Sponsors. Would you be willing to buy lunch and program materials for HDCP’s upcoming Senior Service Incubation (2023-2024)? For high school seniors to develop their own service for their own community. Learn more here.

Senior Service Incubation Assistants. Looking for two to four young adult assistants for Senior Service Incubation (2023-2024) where high school seniors will develop their own service for their community. Potential to also lead your own Incubation in the future (2024-2025). Learn more here.

School principals or other administration (guidance counselors). I am in the process of developing the 2023-2024 Senior Service Incubation. I would love to have your help inviting your juniors to apply to participate their senior year. Alternatively, if you would like to see ALL your seniors do this kind of project, let’s talk about how we can integrate it into your schedule/curriculum. Learn more.

Vibrant Neighborhoods. Do you or your organization or your business serve Albuquerque neighborhoods or have even a small piece of ‘the puzzle’ that could uplift residents and make their life better? I am reaching out to many that I learn about, but if you and I haven’t had a conversation yet, feel free to reach out to me.

Food Peace Coordinator (and assistants). Develop and executes comprehensive food programming on behalf of HDCP, within Albuquerque (and potentially New Mexico). Use your own creativity and be able to carry out my vision as well. There will be a need for more assistants in this endeavor, as well.

Printing costs. Are you willing and able to donate or discount printing costs? Particularly an upcoming ‘packet’ project that will assist neighborhood/community building. As well as large posters that students produce during the Senior Service Incubation.

Readers, Researchers, Writers. If you feel a connection with current events and issues and history.

Heal the Rio Grande Coordinator.

You. Even if you haven’t seen your groove yet in this list, feel free to reach out and tell me what you are passionate about. HDCP may be able platform or partner with you. Or, there will be many chances in the future to help out and it will be nice to know there is a crew I can draw upon.