Co-Creating Peace: Kat Oweegon interviews Jennifer Boyatt LISTEN HERE

Peace is possible.

More than that, peace is already here. Many in the world already live in peace and would like to invite and inspire their neighbors to join them.

What is peace?

High Desert Center for Peace
works to create peace
at all levels of human experience.

It is called “High Desert” because of its location in the uniquely beautiful city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. HDCP serves the residents of “Burque” and of New Mexico and provides a framework from which Burquenos may serve one another and the world.

HDCP is a vehicle for
information, ideas, influence, inspiration, and implementation.

HDCP works with
individuals, families, neighborhoods,
organizations, businesses, and social institutions
in order to facilitate healing and thriving within each.

High Desert Center for Peace seeks to dissolve violence (bloodshed, captivity, and oppression).

HDCP seeks to replace these deep misunderstandings with
*honoring the sacredness of life;
*self-determination and freedom;
*love, radical mercy, and reconciliation; and the
*proactive re-imagining of our traditions and institutions and structures to be expressions of these paradigms.

HDCP is committed to promoting ahimsa (harmlessness) and the Beloved Community (as taught by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other wise persons).

Contact Us: Contact High Desert Center for Peace through email.

Speeches and Writings regarding Peace

High Desert Center for Peace needs a home.
Open to receiving donated space (or funds for space).

Do you have an idea? hello[at]

Support HDCP financially in serving Albuquerque by participating in a membership through Patreon at

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